(华南师范大学 后勤管理处,广东 广州 510631) 摘 要:收益管理是一种实时定价策略,即在适当的时间以适当的价格把适当的产品销售给适当的顾客,从而实现收益最大化。针对体育场馆利用率低、经营不善的现状,从收益管理优化理论的角度,认为体育场馆适用收益管理的特征包括不可贮存、容量相对固定、可提前预订、需求波动性大;阐述了收益管理在体育场馆经营中具体运用的策略有顾客分类及需求预测、超额预订、定价、优化控制等;最后提出收益管理在体育场馆经营中应注意体制束缚、思想观念的障碍、适用的体育场馆管理信息系统、历史数据积累、处理超售等问题。 关 键 词:体育社会学;体育场馆;收益管理 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2009)05-0024-04 |
ZHAN Bu-qiang
(Department of Logistics Management,South China Normal University,uangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: Revenue management is a real time pricing strategy, in which an appropriately product is sold to an ap-propriate customer at an appropriate price at an appropriately time, thus revenue maximization is realized. Aiming at such existing conditions as low venue utilization rate and improper venue operation, the author, from the perspective of revenue management optimization theories, considered that the characteristics of revenue management applicable to venues include non-storable, capacity relatively fixed, reservation available and big demand fluctuation, expati-ated on that strategies for specific application of revenue management in venue operation include customer classifi-cation, demand prediction, above quota reservation, pricing and optimization control, and lastly put forward that for the application of revenue management in venue operation attention should be paid to such issues as system restric-tion, ideological obstruction, applicable venue management information systems, historical data accumulation, and above quota sale. |