(湖南女子大学 女性体育研究所,湖南 长沙 410004) 摘 要:我国休闲体育在快速发展的同时存在着时间、人数、项目和消费等方面的性别差异,女性休闲体育发展相对滞后。这主要是社会性别环境制约和女性自我限制相互作用的结果。为促进我国女性休闲体育的发展,需要加强女性休闲体育理论研究和技术开发,将社会性别意识纳入休闲体育发展的主流决策,科学规划和建设休闲体育活动场地、项目及服务体系,加强宣传教育,增强社会性别平等意识,消除女性自身限制。 |
OU Ping
(Feminine Sports Research Institute,Hunan Women’s University,Changsha 410004,China) Abstract: Whereas leisure sports in China are developing rapidly, there is a gender difference in leisure sports in China in terms of leisure time, number of people, event and consumption: the development of women’s leisure sports is relatively backward, which is mainly due to the result of interaction between social gender environmental confinement and women’s self restriction. In order to boost the development of women’s leisure sports in China, we should strengthen the theoretical study and technical development of women’s leisure sports, consider social gender awareness as a major factor for making decisions for the development of leisure sports, scientifically plan and con-struct leisure sports playgrounds, events and service systems, strengthen promotion and education, sharpen such awareness as social gender equality, and eliminate women’s self restriction. |