(湖南城市学院 体育系,湖南 益阳 413000) 摘 要:国际奥委会和奥运会承办国都在不断寻求丰富和完善奥林匹克精神内涵的有效途径。奥运安保强化已成为奥运文化和奥运工作的重要组成部分,也是在奥运政治化和恐怖主义等奥运风险挤压下的无奈之举。奥林匹克精神是一种“团结、友谊、和平、进步”的文化诉求和文化资源,是人类寻求和平与发展的心灵图景,受制于恐怖主义的威胁,却无法平平安安办好奥运、享受奥运,折射出了现实境遇下奥林匹克精神面临的困境。 |
CHEN Zhi-hong
(School of Physical Education,Hunan City University,Yiyang 413000,China) Abstract: International Olympic Committee and Olympics hosting countries are all constantly seeking for effective ways to enrich and perfect the connotations of Olympic spirits. Olympic security protection reinforcement has be-come an important constituent part of Olympic cultures and Olympic jobs, and it is also a compromised measure taken under the pressure of Olympic risks such as Olympic politicalization and terrorism. Olympic spirits are a sort of cultural needs and cultural resources for “unification, friendship, peace and advancement”, and the spiritual prospect of human beings to seek for peace and development, but as restricted by terrorist threats, human beings cannot host and enjoy the Olympic Games peacefully, which reflects dilemmas confronted by Olympic spirits under realistic circumstances. |