(华南理工大学 体育学院,广东 广州 510641) 摘 要:清末民初,是中国封建社会向近代社会的转型期,也是西方体育文化在我国的传入和传播时期。传教士对于清末民初西方体育文化在近代中国的传播起到了重要的作用,不仅促进了现代西方体育文化,特别是奥林匹克文化在近代中国的广泛传播,而且还引发了中国人体育价值观念的变化,催生了西方体育文化的中国化。清末民初,来华传教士传播西方体育文化的路径主要有:大众传播,通过书籍、报刊等印刷媒介来传播西方体育文化;组织传播,通过教会学校、基督教青年会等社会组织来传播西方体育文化;人际传播,通过体育竞赛这种特有形式来传播西方体育文化。 |
WAN Fa-da,LI Wei-guo
(School of Physical Education,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China) Abstract: For China the period between the late Qing dynasty and the early Republic of China was a period of tran-sition from a feudal society to a modern society, and also a period during which western sports culture was intro-duced into and communicated in China. Preachers played an important role in communicating western sports culture in modern China between the late Qing dynasty and the early Republic of China. They had not only boosted the ex-tensive communication of modern western sports culture, especially the Olympic culture, in modern China, but also triggered the change of sports value conception of Chinese, and promoted the localization of western sports culture in China. Between the late Qing dynasty and the early Republic of China, the ways for preachers coming to China to communicate western sports culture mainly include the followings: mass communication ways–communicating western sports culture via such printed media as books, newspapers and periodicals; organization communication ways-communicating western sports culture via such social organizations as ecclesiastical schools and Young Men's Christian Association; interpersonal communication ways-communicating western sports culture via such a particu-lar form as sports competition. |