(1.上海体育学院 博士后流动站,上海 200438;2.西南大学 体育学院,重庆 400715;3.首都体育学院,北京 100088) 摘 要:运用“研究者在场”的思路,从社会学的视角对体育课堂文化的定义、特征、类型与运作进行了分析。体育课堂文化是指体育课堂教学中的观念和行为,具有“中间性”、“外显性”、“情景性”、“聚合性”和“文明性”5大特征。体育课程内容的“游戏规则”体现了体育课堂规范性文化的特殊性,增加了学生在体育课堂中进行社会性学习的机会。竞技性文化在体育课堂中过度存在的社会根源是体育教师培养机制和体育场地器材配备机制出现了问题。体育课堂结构网络的缺陷造成对竞技体育文化娱乐性特征的消解。体育课堂性别文化有两种体现,一种是积极意义上的性别差异,一种是消极意义上的性别偏见。体育课堂文化的整合有两条不同的路径:一条是“关注——认同——内化”,另一条是“关注——遵从——内化”。在整合效果上,前者优于后者。两条路径在“认同”和“遵从”的环节上可以相互转化,转化的方向主要取决于教师呈现内容的方法。 |
TANG Yan1,2,ZHOU Deng-song3
(1.Postdoctoral Station,Shanghai University of Sports,Shanghai 200438,China;2.School of Physical Education, South West University,Chongqing 400715,China;3.Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing 100088,China) Abstract: With the idea of “researcher on site” kept in mind, the authors analyzed the definition, characteristics, type and operation of physical education class cultures from the perspective of sociology. Physical education class culture refers to conceptions and behaviors in physical education class teaching, having such 5 major characteristics as “intermediate”, “expressive”, “scene involved”, “aggregative” and “civilized”. The “game rules” of physical education curriculum contents embody the specificity of physical education class normative culture, and increase the opportunities for students to carry out social learning in physical education classes. The social root for the ex-cessive existence of competitive culture is that the physical education teacher cultivation mechanism as well as the sports playground and equipment providing mechanism have some problems. The defects of physical education class structural network result in the dissolution of entertainment characteristics of competitive sports. Physical education class sexual culture embodies in two aspects: sexual difference in a positive sense, and sexual bias in a negative sense. There are two different ways to the integration of physical education class cultures: 1) “concern – recognize–internalize”; 2) “concern–obey–internalize”. In terms of integration effect, the former is better than the latter. The “recognize” and “obey” links on these two ways are reciprocally transformable, and the direction of transformation mainly depends on methods used by teachers to show the contents. |