(1.哈尔滨体育学院 社会体育系,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150008;2.哈尔滨工程大学 体训部,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001) 摘 要:运用历史过程分析、社会调查和实地考察,对赫哲族传统体育进行研究,旨在揭示赫哲族传统体育的形成过程及当前的变化。研究认为:赫哲族传统体育的产生与其生产生活方式、军事教育和宗教活动密切相关,赫哲族传统体育具有开放性、重竞技、轻歌舞,冰雪与水上项目并重的特点。而当前赫哲人的体育观念、传统体育的地位与作用、传统体育手段的实践形式等正在发生深刻的变化。 |
ZHANG Hong-yu1,LI Xiao-lan2
(1.Department of Social Physical Educalion,Harbin Institute of Physical Education,Harbin 150008,China;2.Department of Physical Educalion,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,China) Abstract: By means of historical process analysis, social survey and field investigation, the authors studied tradi-tional sport of Hezhe nationality in order to reveal the formation process and current changes of traditional sport of Hozhe nationality, and put forward the following opinions via their study: the production of traditional sport of Hezhe nationality is closely related to its production and life styles, military education and religious activities; tradi-tional sport of Hozhe nationality has such characteristics as open, competition emphasized, singing and dancing weakened, as well as ice and water events equally valued; whereas the sports conceptions of people of Hozhe na-tionality, the status and functions of traditional sport, and the practice forms of traditional sports means, are chang-ing profoundly nowadays. |