(玉林师范学院 体育系,广西 玉林 537000) 摘 要:提取散落于文史资料中的近代女子体育教育思想的记录,厘清其价值脉络,为当代中国女子体育教育提供借鉴。研究认为,中国近代女子体育教育思想有:培养贤妻良母;保国强种、救亡图存;强健体魄、关照身心;追求平等的体育权利。上述4种思想中,前两种思想属“保家国”价值思路;后两种思想属“保自身”价值思路,两种价值思路既碰撞,又交融。 |
SUN Qing-bin,ZHU Bo-yong,CHEN Gui-ning
(Department of Physical Education,Yulin Normal University,Yulin 537000,China) Abstract: By using literature information and collecting records about ideas for modern women physical education, which were scattered in literary works, the authors sorted out the values of such ideas in order to provide a reference for women physical education in modern China. Via their study the authors concluded that ideas for modern women physical education in China include cultivating virtuous wives and good mothers, maintaining strong citizens for nation survival; keeping physically and mentally fit; pursuing equal physical education rights. Among the 4 ideas said, the first two ideas show the value of “country protection”, while the last two ideas show the value of “self pro-tection”. These two reciprocal values are contradictive and interactive with each other. |