(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006;2.重庆文理学院 体育学院,重庆 永川 410000;3.北京体育大学 运动人体科学学院,北京 100086) 摘 要:就运动中活性氧诱导肌原性IL-6产生的机制等问题做综述。IL-6是运动过程中变化非常明显的一种细胞因子,其变化幅度与运动时间和运动强度关系密切。研究表明,运动中生成的IL-6主要来源于收缩的骨骼肌,骨骼肌在运动过程中产生的自由基,尤其是活性氧是运动中诱导IL-6产生的一个主要原因。 |
QIU Guo-rong1,2,XU Xiao-yang1,XIE Min-hao3
(1.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Chongqing University of Arts And Sciences,Yongchuan 402160,China;3.Sport Science School,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100086,China) Abstract: The authors gave an overview of such issues as the mechanism for active oxygen to induce the produc-tion of interleukin-6 (IL-6) originating from muscles during exercising. IL-6 is a type of cytokine that changes very significantly in the process of exercising; its changing magnitude is closely related to exercise time and exercise in-tensity. Via their study the authors revealed the following findings: IL-6 produced during exercising originates pri-marily from contracting skeletal muscle; free radicals produced by skeletal muscle in the process of exercising, es-pecially active oxygen, are a major cause for inducing the production of IL-6 during exercising. |