(1.丽江师范高等专科学校 体育系,云南 丽江 674100;2.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:纳西族因其独特的地理位置和民族发展历史,至今得以保存产生于旧石器中期的复合工具——“飞石索”,并在纳西族古老的东巴经及民俗活动中大量保存了与“飞石索”密切相关的民间传说、原始宗教仪式及娱乐活动,为揭开纳西族原始体育起源之谜,提供丰厚的材料。运用文化人类学、历史学的理论和研究方法,分析整理田野调查、查阅文献收集到的大量资料,再现了“飞石索”从远古狩猎、战争工具,通过原始巫术逐渐演变成原始体育并流传至今的发展变化过程,并提出了纳西族原始体育起源于巫术的观点。 |
HE Chun-yun1,TAN Hua2
(1.School of Physical Education,Lijiang Teachers Training College,Lijiang 674100,China;2.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: Thanks to its unique geographic location and national development history, to this day Naxi nationality has conserved “fly-stone rope” - a complex tool produced in the mid Paleolithic Age, as well as folklores, primitive rituals and amusements closely related to “fly-stone rope” in the ancient Dongba Scripture and folk customs of Naxi nationality, which provided ample information for revealing the myth about the origin of primitive sports of Naxi nationality. By using theories and research methods in cultural anthropology and history, and by analyzing a lot of information collected via field investigation and literature retrieval, the authors represented the process of develop-ment of “fly-stone rope” gradually evolving from an ancient hunting and battling tool into a primitive sport via witchcraft and then being passed on to this day, and put forward the opinion that primitive sports of Naxi nationality originated from witchcraft. |