(南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京 210097) 摘 要:体育强国是个意会概念、定性概念,但具有明显的动员性和引领性。竞技体育的国际竞争力和群众体育的发展水平是判别体育强国的2项基本标准。建设体育强国中既要力争全面强势,但不能追求尽善尽美;既要以全民健身为基础,又不能放松竞技体育结构的优化;既要注重目标的实现,更要重视建设的过程。建设体育强国虽不能一蹴而就,但也必须只争朝夕。 |
TIAN Yu-pu,WANG Huan
(School of Physical Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China) Abstract: Sport powerful nation is a perceptual concept, or a qualitative concept, but it is provided with distinct mobilizing and guiding characteristics. The levels of development of international competitive strengths of competi-tive sports as well as mass sports are two basic standards for judging whether a nation is a sport powerful nation. In the process of constructing China into a sport powerful nation, we should work hard for comprehensive domination, but should not pursue perfection; we should base our foundation on nationwide fitness, but should not pay less at-tention to the optimization of competitive sports structure; we should focus on the realization of objectives, and pay more attention to the process of construction. Although constructing China into a sport powerful nation cannot be fulfilled overnight, we should do our best to fulfill it as soon as possible. |