(1.临沂师范学院 体育学院,山东 临沂 276005;2.深圳大学 体育部,广东 深圳 518000) 摘 要:从理论上探讨我国体育非营利组织的评估。我国的体育非营利组织刚开始发展,其管理不够规范,为保证体育非营利组织的5大特性及提供公益性服务的功能,需要一种监督管理的约束机制对其进行有效的控制。从体育非营利组织评估的必要性与可行性入手,分析目前国内外有关非营利组织评估研究的现状,结合体育非营利组织的特征和功能,从理论上分析体育非营利组织的评估模式、评估主体和评估内容。研究提出政府的行政评估、第三方评估机构的评估以及以业务主管部门为主的联合评估3种可行的体育非营利组织评估模式。相对应的评估主体分别是业务主管部门和媒体、专门为体育非营利组织建立的评估主体以及体育非营利组织所涉及到的每一个部门,其评估内容包括组织机构与管理、组织的资源条件以及组织的工作绩效3方面。 |
DU Zhi-juan1,MIAO Da-pei2
(1.School of Physical Education,Linyi Normal University,Linyi 276005,China;2.Deportment of Physical Education,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518000,China) Abstract: By means of literature data acquisition and logical deduction and such, the authors probed into the as-sessment of nonprofit sports organizations in China theoretically. Nonprofit sports organizations in China have just started to develop, so their management is not adequately standardized. In order to ensure the 5 characteristics of nonprofit sports organizations and public welfare service functions they provide, a supervision and management constraining mechanism is required to effectively control these organizations. Starting at the necessity and feasibil-ity of the assessment of nonprofit sports organizations, the authors analyzed the current situation of nonprofit sports organization assessment related researches done at home and abroad, and theoretically analyzed the modes, subjects and contents of assessment of nonprofit sports organizations by referring to the characteristics and functions of non-profit sports organizations. Through their study the authors put forward three feasible nonprofit sports organization assessment modes based mainly on the administrative assessment of the government, assessment of third party or-ganizations, and business departments in charge, whose corresponding subjects of assessment are respectively busi-ness departments in charge and media, subjects of assessment dedicatedly established for nonprofit sports organiza-tions, and every department involving with nonprofit sports organizations. The contents of assessment include 3 as-pects, namely, organizational structure and management, organization’s resource conditions, and organization’s job performance. |