(安徽建筑工业学院 体育部,安徽 合肥 230022) 摘 要:运用《症状自评量表》对25所高校的404名高水平运动员进行测量,评定高校高水平运动员的心理健康状况。结果表明:高校高水平运动员的心理健康状况较差,心理健康水平各项指标得分均高于全国成人常模;女子运动员在人际关系、焦虑、精神病性3个因子上显著高于男运动员;不同年级运动员在人际关系因子、焦虑因子及精神病性因子上,差异均有显著性;一年级、四年级运动员的心理健康水平较差;焦虑因子与性别、年级的主效应均有关,精神病性因子与性别的主效应有关;焦虑因子与性别与年级的交互作用有关。 |
(Department of Physical Education,Anhui University of Architecture,Hefei 230022,China) Abstract: The authors used the Symptom Checklist 90 to test 404 high performance athletes from 25 institutes of higher learning, evaluated their mental health condition, and revealed the following findings: the mental health con-dition of high performance college athletes is relatively poor; various indexes of their mental health level are higher than normal values of adults nationwide; the interpersonal relationship, anxiety and mental illness factors of high performance female college athletes are significantly higher than the same of male athletes; there is a significant difference in the interpersonal relationship, anxiety and mental illness factors between high performance college athletes of different classes; the mental health condition of higher performance freshman and senior college athletes is relatively poor; the anxiety factor is related to the main effect of gender and class; the mental illness factor is re-lated to the main effect of gender; the anxiety factor is related to the interaction of gender and class. |