(天津体育学院 学报编辑部,天津 300381) 摘 要:以中国知网文献评价数据库和中国引文数据库的数据作为研究基础,对我国16种中文体育类核心期刊的载文量、5年影响因子、即年指标、被引半衰期和Web即年下载率进行了统计分析,从不同的指标反映出各个期刊发展的历程。可以看出,近年来我国体育科研领域的飞速发展和体育学术期刊在此背景下的自我调节现象,但同时也存在着体育学术期刊评价的复杂性和困难性。 |
LI Jun
(Journal Editorial Department,Tianjin University of Sport,Tianjin 300381,China) Abstract: Basing his research foundation on data from China Zhiwang Literature Evaluation Database and China Quotation Database, the author performed a statistical analysis on the published article volume, 5-year affecting factor, current-year index, quoted article half-life and current-year web download rate of 16 core periodicals in the Chinese sports category, showed the course of development of various periodicals by using different indexes, and revealed that in recent years the sports research area in China is rapidly developing and sports periodicals are self-adjusting under such a background, but it is still complicated and difficult to evaluate sports academic periodi-cals. |