(河北师范大学 公体部,河北 石家庄 050091) 摘 要:以符号学为方法论,对体育明星的符号结构、符号类型进行分析,结果发现,体育明星本人并不是体育明星符号所指,而只是其能指符素,运动员形象才是所指,这是体育明星符号的本质。因此,我们将体育明星界定为:由大众传媒利用图像、声音、文字、色彩等复杂符号,对运动员本人某些事件或信息进行选择和加工,重新加以结构化以后,展现在大众面前,并激发人产生象征意义联想的运动员形象。体育明星是消费社会、体育产业化、人类自觉生命意识等的象征。 |
YANG Wen-yun,MA Guo-qiang
(Department of Physical Education,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang 050091,China) Abstract: Basing their methodology on semantics, the authors analyzed the structures and types of sports star signs, and revealed the following findings: sports stars themselves are not what sports star signs refer to, but just the mor-phemes of sports star signs, while athletic images are what sports star signs really refer to, and the essence of sports star signs. Therefore, the authors defined sports stars as athletic images that are presented to the public by public media via selecting, processing and restructurizing certain events or information regarding athletes themselves with the use of complex signs such as graphics, sounds, characters and colors to catch the eyes of the public and to in-spire people to produce symbolically meaningful associations. Sports stars are the symbols of the consumption soci-ety, sports industry, human being’s self awareness of life, etc. |