(广州体育学院,广东 广州 510500) 摘 要:人才培养方案是高校办学的总体设计蓝图和主要依据。以广州体育学院为例,对体育院校制订人才培养方案的培养目标、培养模式、课程设置、实践环节教学等主要问题进行了探讨,强调依照“宽口径、厚基础、强能力、高素质、广适应”构建新的人才培养模式,充分体现加强通识教育,设置学科基础课程和特色课程,优化课程结构,突出个性发展,注重实践训练,融传授知识、培养能力和提高素质于一体。 |
(Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: Professional cultivation plan is the overall design blueprint of and major criterion for education manage-ment by institutes of higher learning. By taking Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for example, the author probed into such major issues as cultivation objective, cultivation mode, curriculum setup and practical teaching to be regarded by physical education institutes of higher learning to establish a professional cultivation plan, and put forward the following emphases: a new professional cultivation mode should be established according to the princi-ple of “high caliber, solid foundation, strong capability, high capacity and extensive adaptation”; general education should be fully embodied and strengthened; fundamental disciplinary courses and featured courses should be set up; the curriculum structure should be optimized; individual development should be highlighted; practical training should be valued; knowledge lecturing, capability cultivation and capacity enhancement should be integrated. |