(首都体育学院 解剖生理教研室,北京 100088) 摘 要:通过大量综述研究有关智障者体质特点的科学文献,对唐氏智障者与普通智障者在体能状况、肌肉力量与平衡能力、骨密度及心脏变时功能不全等方面的特征进行了比较分析。结果显示,智障者最大吸氧量、下肢肌力、平衡能力、骨密度、运动时最高心率等指标均低于健康人群,唐氏智障者上述各项指标均低于普通智障者。 |
(Teaching and Research Section of Anatomy and Physiology,Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing 100088,China) Abstract: By studying a great deal of scientific literature on the constitutional characteristics of the retarded, the author compared and analyzed such characteristics of the Tang’s retarded and common retarded as physical stamina condition, muscle strength and balance capacity, bone density and cardiac chronotropic incompetence, and revealed the following findings: such indexes of the retarded as maximum oxygen intake, muscle strength and balance capac-ity of lower limbs, bone density and maximum heart rate during exercising are all lower than those of healthy peo-ple; the said indexes of the Tang’s retarded are all lower than those of the common retarded. |