(1.湘南学院 体育系,湖南 郴州 423000;2.上海体育学院 图书馆,上海 200438) 摘 要:从分析职业与专业的涵义入手,对体育教练员职业专业化的内涵、必要性及实施策略进行了研究。认为体育教练员专业化是指体育教练员个体专业水平提高的过程以及体育教练员群体为争取体育教练员职业的专业地位而进行努力的过程。它是提高体育教练员职业社会地位的需要,顺应体育教练员专业化发展的需要,符合体育教练员教育改革的需求与方向。其实施策略为:树立专业化意识、重构教育体系、改革课程体系、强化专业自主等。 |
LI Ru-xin1,SI Hu-ke2,HE Lu-lan1
(1.Department of Physical Education,Xiangnan Institute,Chenzhou 423000,China;2.Library,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: Starting at analyzing the meaning of occupation and profession, the authors studied the meaning and ne-cessity of and implementation strategies for occupational professionalization of sports coaches, and drew the fol-lowing conclusions: occupational professionalization of sports coaches refers to the process of enhancement of indi-vidual professional level of sports coaches as well as the process of sports coach group making efforts in striving for the professional status of the occupation of sports coaches; it is necessary for enhancing the social status of the oc-cupation of sports coaches, and for following the development of professionalization of sports coaches, and in con-formity with the need and orientation of sports coach education reform; its implementation strategies are as follows: establish the awareness of professionalization, reconstruct the education system, reform the curriculum system, and strengthen professional independence, etc. |