(广州体育学院 足球教研室,广东 广州 510500) 摘 要:对第18届世界杯足球赛16强的16场比赛的铲球技术进行统计分析,探讨高水平球队铲球技术运用的规律。结果显示,随着比赛的进行,铲球次数递减,提高体能储备,才能保证在全场的强对抗中有充沛的体能进行抢截,保证铲球动作的合理性和准确性。后卫、前卫球员讲究铲球的准确性和有效性,前锋球员追求抢点铲射的意识和铲球技巧。提高正面铲球的成功率,方能减少铲球犯规而给对方制造机会。 关 键 词:第18届世界杯足球赛;铲球技术;体能训练 中图分类号:G843 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)04-0098-03 |
GUO Hui-xian
(Teaching and Research Section of Soccer,Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: The author carried out a statistical analysis on the ball shoveling technique applied by the top 16 teams in 16 games in the 18th World Cup Football Games, probed into the pattern of application of ball shoveling technique by high level teams, and revealed the following findings: As the games went on, the frequency of ball shoveling in-creased; only by enhancing physical energy reserve can ensure that the players have plentiful physical energy for ball interception intensive full court competition, and ensure the rationality and accuracy of the ball shoveling move; the front and rear guards should pay attention to the accuracy and effectiveness of ball shoveling; the vanguards should pursue the awareness of position contesting and ball shoveling as well as the ball shoveling technique; only by enhancing the success rate of face-to-face ball shoveling can the players reduce the ball shoveling foul that re-sults in giving the opponent chances. |