(湖北民族学院 体育系,湖北 恩施 445000) 摘 要:对民族传统体育项目陀螺进行创新,内容包括:①场地:改变旋放区、攻击区划法,把二者合二为一;②器材:增加1根绳长0.5~1.5 m的陀鞭;③技战术:改变传统的“砸”、“吊”、“捅”为“碰”、“撞”,增加“抽”的技术;④竞赛规则:改原规则“攻方计分、守方不计分”为“攻、守方都计分”等。结果表明:①比赛总时间增加了近1倍;②队员比赛净时间是原来的3倍多;③运动密度由原来的24.45%增加到43.59%;④运动强度由87.52次/分增加到116.83次/分。 关 键 词:民族体育;陀螺;竞赛规则 中图分类号:G898.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)02-0069-03 |
DUAN Hui-tao
(Department of Physical Education,Hubei Institute for Nationalities,Enshi 445000,China) Abstract: The author innovated on traditional national sports event “Top” in the following ways: 1) playground: change the division of the spinning and releasing area as well as the attacking area by integrating both areas into one; 2) equipment: add a 0.5-1.5 meters long top rope; 3) techniques and tactics: change the traditional techniques of “smashing”, “suspending” and “poking” into “bumping” and “jerking”, and add the technique of “whipping”; 4) competition rule: change the original rule of “the offense player scores while the defense player does not score” into “both offense and defense players score”, and revealed the following findings: 1) the total game time is nearly dou-bled; 2) the net game time for the players is more than 3 times the original time; 3) the game density is increased from the original 24.45% to 43.59%; 4)the game intensity is increased from 87.52 times/point to 116.83 times/point. |