(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631;2.广东技术师范学院 体育部,广东 广州 510665;3.肇庆科技职业技术学院 体育部,广东 肇庆 526020) 摘 要:通过对广州市5所中学的学生家长、体育教师进行调查,了解并分析了广州市中学体育保险的现状。5所学校中学生已购买学生保险的只占30%。60%的家长和63%的体育教师认为现有的险种能满足学生的需要。67%的家长和77%的教师认为现有的险种不能代替学校体育保险。并建议提出建立学校体育保险法规,政府宏观政策倾斜,加大宣传力度,引进竞争机制和设立专门的学校体育保险管理机构或部门等的发展广州市中学体育保险的建议。 |
YANG Xiao-sheng1,LIANG Wen-min2,LU Shao-mei3
(1.College of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Guangdong Technology Normal Institute,Guangzhou 510665,China;3.Department of Physical Education,Zhaoqing Occupational Technology Institute,Zhaoqing 526020,China) Abstract: By investigating the parents of the student as well as the physical education teachers in 5 middle schools in Guangzhou city, the author gained an insight into and analyzed the current state of sports insurance in middle schools in Guangzhou city as follows: Only 30% of the students in the 5 middle schools had purchased student in-surance; 60% of the parents and 63% of the physical education teachers considered that the existing insurance pol-icy can satisfy the needs of the students; 67% of the parents and 77% of the physical education teachers considered that the existing insurance policy cannot replace scholastic sports insurance, and made suggestions for developing sports insurance in middle schools in Guangzhou city, such as establishing scholastic sports insurance legislation, the government’s macroscopic policy support, boosting insurance promotion, introducing a competition mechanism, and establishing a dedicated scholastic sports insurance management office or department. |