(陕西理工大学 公共体育教研室,陕西 汉中 723000) 摘要:从学校体育发展的历史和需要看,竞技运动都与学校体育密不可分。亚竞技运动的产生是学校体育与竞技运动发展的必然产物,是适应现代学校体育发展需要的新型运动形式,它将成为促使21世纪学校体育再现辉煌的动力。 关键词:亚竞技运动; 教育; 学校体育 中图分类号:G80文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)01-0135-04 |
MENG Fan-qiang
(Department of Physical Education,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723000,China) Abstract: Sport is closely and unbreakably related to physical education in school,no matter viewing from the perspective of history or viewing from the perspective of the requirement of development of modern physical education in school.The production of sub-sport is the inevitable product of the development of sport and physical education in school,and is a new type of sports form that meets the requirements of the development of modern physical education in school. Sub-sport will become a highlight to promote physical education in school in 21 century to represent its brilliance. Key words: sub-sport; education; physical education in school |