(广州体育学院 体育社会科学系,广东 广州510075) 摘要:在概述广东小城镇体育的基础上,提出了以小城镇为重点推进中国农村体育发展的三点依据(寻求农村体育发展突破口的需要、城市化的需要和凭借小城镇中介地位优势的需要)和作为公益性事业的农村体育发展必须获得政府的体制和经费保障以及不平衡发展战略等对策建议。 关键词:社会变迁;城市化;小城镇;农村体育 中图分类号:G812.42文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)03-0001-04 |
Lü Shu-ting,PEI Li-xin,WANG Lei,WANG Zheng,ZHANG Hong, CHEN Xiao-ying, ZHOU Lan-jun,WANG Jing
(Department of Sports Sociology and Science, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510075,China) Abstract: On the basis of summarizing sports in small towns in Guangdong,the authors put forward three criteria (seeking for the need for a breakthrough of the development of rural sports, the need for urbanization, and the need for depending on small town’s advantage of intermediary geographic location) for promoting the development of Chinese rural sports that base mainly on small towns, and proposals such as the development of rural sports as a public welfare undertaking must be supported by government’s system and fund assurance as well as unbalanced development strategy. |