(广州体育学院 社会科学教研部,广东 广州510075) 摘要:一代伟人邓小平是体育运动的毕生爱好者,他不仅坚定不移地贯彻落实了毛泽东体育思想,积极地推动了新中国社会主义体育事业向前发展,而且在他创立的建设中国特色社会主义理论中,又从体育运动的基本方针、工作重点、科学方法、发展方向与前途等方面,富有成效和创造性地继承和发展了毛泽东体育思想,从而为我国社会主义体育事业作出了不可磨灭的杰出贡献。 关键词:邓小平理论; 体育事业; 中国 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)03-0013-04 |
YANG Li-xiang
(Department of Social Science, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510075,China) Abstract: DENG Xiao-ping the master mind of a generation was a sports enthusiast all his life.Not only had he implemented MAO Ze-dong Sports Thoughts unshakably and promoted the development of socialism sports undertakings actively, but also had he inherited and developed MAO Ze-dong Sports Thoughts effectively and creatively in terms of basic guidelines for sports,working essentials,scientific methods,development orientation and prospect,thus making outstanding contribution to socialism sports undertakings in China. |