(1.广东嘉应学院 体育系,广东 梅州514015; 2.濮阳职业技术学院 体育部,河南 濮阳457001) 摘要:在分析我国体育用品市场现状的基础上,研究了人民币汇率变动的趋势以及汇率的变动对体育用品企业的影响,探讨了面临人民币升值的压力,如何趋利避害,合理利用国外生产要素,降低生产成本,及时归还和调整外汇债务,借鉴外国经验,大力推进对外直接投资。关键词:体育用品企业; 汇率变动; 人民币升值 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)03-0042-02 |
YE Jia-cun1, ZHAO Fan-xiu2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Jiaying College,Meizhou 514015,China; 2.Department of Physical Education,Puyang Polytechnic College,Puyang 457001,China) Abstract: The authors studied the trend of variation of RMB exchange rate as well as the effect of rate variation on sports goods enterprises, analyzed the current situation of sports goods enterprises in China, and discussed how sports goods enterprises should, under the pressure of variation of RMB exchange rate,go after profits and avoid losses, utilize foreign production essentials rationally,reduce product costs, payback and adjust foreign exchange debts in a timely fashion,draw lesions from foreign experiences, and promote direct outgoing investment vigorously. |