(赣南师范学院 学生工作处,江西 赣州341000) 摘要:针对奥林匹克“全球化”研究一涌而上的现象,从实现 普及奥林匹克教育目标出发,借用经济领域“本土化”概念,提出了奥林匹克教育本土化这 一命题,阐述了普及奥林匹克教育必须走奥林匹克教育本土化之路的理由。并就奥林匹克教 育本土化的主要内容:思想体系本土化、组织体系本土化和活动体系本土化及其实施进行了 初步探讨。 关键词:本土化; 体育; 奥林匹克教育 中图分类号:G81121 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)04-0074-03 |
YE Wu-wei
(Students Section,Gannan Teachers College,Ganzhou 341000,Chian) Abstract: Aiming at the phenomenon of the researches on Olympic “globalization” being overwhelmingly pursued by researchers, the author worked out this proposition of localization of Olympic education on the basis of realizing the goal of popularizing Olympic education and by referring to the concept of “localization” as defined in economic area,and expatiated on the reasons for localization having to be the only way to the popularization of Olympic education. The author also carried out a preliminary discussion on the main contents of localization of Olympic education,namely,the localizations of ideological system,organizational system and activity system,as well as on their implementation. |