(1.广州体育职业技术学院,广东 广州510650; 2.广州市司法学校,广东 广州510530) 摘要:〖HT5”K〗对广州市近郊农业人口体质进行了测试与评价,发现近郊农业人口的体质总体优于远郊农业人口,这种差异现象在男子组尤为明显。近郊农业人口与远郊农业人口的体质在壮年后期逐步出现分化,远郊农业人口的各项体质指标下降的速度比近郊农业人口快。 关键词:体质测试; 农业人口; 广州郊区 中图分类号:G804.49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)03-0064-03 |
DAI Xia-1, LUO Wei-hong2, HUANG Lian-shou2
(1.Guangzhou Sports Profession Technique Institute,Guangzhou 510650,China;2.Guangzhou Judicature School,Guangzhou 510530,China) Abstract: The authors tested and evaluated the physical condition of agricultural populations in the suburb and exurb of Guangzhou city, and revealed the following findings: The overall physical condition of agricultural population in the suburb is better than that of agricultural population in the exurb, and such a difference is especially significant in men’s group; the physical condition is gradually polarized between agricultural populations in the suburb and exurb in late middle age, and various indices of physical condition of agricultural population in the exurb deteriorate faster than those of agricultural population in the suburb do. |