(武汉体育学院 1育系; 2科系,湖北 武汉 430079) 摘要:在社会历史大变迁的今天,在外来文化的冲击下,中国本土体育文化产生了文化本体的变迁,面临着整合创新,既要进一步完善中国体育的本土化,又要逐步实现体育的国际化,正确处理好体育文化本土化与国际化的辩证统一,探讨中国体育国际化的思路和方法,发展新时期中国体育文化。 关键词:中国体育; 武术国际化; 武术本土化 中图分类号:G812文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)01-0018-03 |
OUYANG Liu-qing1,ZHOU Xian-jiang1,YANG Mei2, ZENG Hui2
(1.Department Physical Education; 2.Department of Social Science and Humanities, Wuhan Institute Physical Education,Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract: Under the historic social changes and the impact of foreign cultures, the Chinese national sport culture is undertaking big changes and faced with new integration, which requires it to possess both the characteristics of itself and of the world.This paper analyzes how to deal with the dialectical relationships between the nationalization and internationalization of the Chinese sports and points out the ways of the developing the Chinese sport culture in the 21st century. |