(广东外语外贸大学 体育部,广东 广州 510420) 摘要:从体育人口、参与体育锻炼的意识及体育消费观念等方面论过了我国群众体育的现状。认为要培养高素质群众体育指导队伍,大力宣传强身健体的理念,动员社会各方面的力量支持群众体育,组织全民参与体育。特别强调要充分发掘我国的民族体育资源为群众体育服务。关键词:群众体育; 体育人口; 健身娱乐; 中国 中图分类号:G812.4 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)04-0039-03 |
(Department of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Foer ign Studies,Gaungzhou 510420,China) Abstract: the present study investigated the current situation of mass physicaleducation in China from the perspectives of the population enrolled in sportsgames,senses of taking part in sports the views about sports expenses.This article proposed that it was important to cultivate a high-quality guidanceteam for mass sports training,and to publicize the opinion of setting-upexercises.A lso,all the social resources should be used to support the masssports career.The article stressed that we should disinter the national ethicsports resources to service the mass sports. |