(吉林体育学院 球类教研室,吉林 长春 130022) 摘要:力量排球再次成为进攻的主宰,势大力沉的扣球使防守,特别是后排防守捉襟见肘,异常被动,攻守出现失衡。这是由于进攻的长足进步和防守理念的陈旧和技术上的滞后所造成的。只有树立以动制动的防守理念,采用前进式的后排防守技术方法,才能使防守富有积极主动性,才能使防守技术简约化、实用化,以适应进攻发展的变化。 关键词:排球; 以动制动防守; 前进式后排防守 中图分类号:G842.19 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2004)04-0130-02 |
TAN Shi-wen
(Seetion of Ball,Jinlin Institute of Physical Education,Changc hun 130022,China) Abstract: After 100 years' evolvement and development, the modern voll eyball has developed into a unique character. With its perfect technique and tac tic, the quality of attack is much better than that of defense.So the key to wi nning a game is to develop the whole team's defensive ability,especially the ba ck line defensive ability that is the most important in all defenses.In order t o improve the back line defense,we must hold the “dynamic defense against dyna mic attack” opinion,use the forward- back line-defensive technique and make th e defense active,simple and practicable,further enhancing the overall improvem ent of volleyball competition. Key words: competitive volleyball; dynamic attack against dy namic defense; forward-back line-defensive |