(广东教育学院 体育系,广东 广州510303) 摘要:结合儿童少年心理、生理的个性特征、健康爱好的具体需要,针对常规体育教学往往注重“尖子”生的培养过多或者缺少对普通生、落后生的指导,或者教学只是为完成教学任务而教学,忽视了学生自我价值的开拓与发展等不合理的现状,着重探讨了体育课“差生”群体的教学方法。 关键词:中小学体育;体育教学; “差生”群体; 因材施教 中图分类号: G807.3;G633.96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)06-0100-03 |
LI Yan-qiang
(Department of Physical Education,Guangdong Institute of Education, Guangzhou 510303,China) Abstract: Through documentation,observation and analysis,the essay makes a comprehensive study of the “physically poor student group”and the causes of the “physically poor student group” in a primary and middle school PE class.And the essay mainly touches upon the methodology in teaching the “physically poor group” in a PE class,keeping in mind the fact that the young have their special psychology,physical features and health hobbies, the fact that conventional PE teaching overstresses the training of the “top student”and neglects the guidance of the vast ordinary students, and the fact that teaching in usually done for the sake of teaching ,neglecting the exploitation and development of the students self-values. |