(1首都体育学院 科研处,北京100088; 2北京农学院 基础科学系,北京102206;3辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连116029) 摘要:对北京地区高校体育教师参与社会体育活动的类型进行了调研。结果表明,社会体育活动需要高校的积极支持和体育教师的广泛参与,高校体育教师也需要在社会体育活动中开阔视野和增长才干。高校体育教师的广泛参与对社会体育活动更加科学、有效、持久地开展具有重要的指导意义。 关键词:高校; 体育教师; 社会体育活动; 北京 图分类号: G812.71;G806 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)04-0106-02 |
WANG Gang1,LI Jiang2, LIU Ren-shen3,
(1.Scienific Search Division,Capital College of Physical Education,Beijing 100088,China;2.Basic Science Department,Beijing Agricultural College,Beijing 102206,China;3.Institute of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China;) Abstract:The present situation of participating in social sports activities of PE teacher of colleges and universities in Beijing was investigated in this paper.The results were as follows: The social sports activities need the active support of colleges and universities and the PE teachers' wide participation, which has important directorial significance to develop social sports activities with scientific, effective and lasting. It's the same the other way round. |