(首都体育学院,北京100088) 摘要:从世界向全球化发展的走向作背景,以社会、人文科学理论为依据,阐述篮球运动的本质属性,与其特殊的活动方式、方法、特征、规律及功能所产生的本体运动魅力,并从一百多年的发展演进史实中,思考其为何随着社会、政治、经济、文化、教育和科学技术的进步,掀起了不同形式、内容的3次发展“浪潮”。进而解析国际强队的动态格局,提出美、欧等国际强队长盛不衰的因素,寻求促进我国篮球运动事业发展的对策。 关键词:篮球运动; 篮球运动本质; 国际篮球强队格局 中图分类号: G841.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)06-0109-04 |
SUN Ming-zhi
(Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing 100088,China) Abstract: According to the background of the trend of the world's globalization,by means of the theories of society and people's science, the article elaborates the basketball sport nature, properties, and its sport charms produced by its special activity patterns, ways, features, characters, rules and functions. Meanwhile, from more than 100 years' history of its development,with the development of society,politics,economy,culture,education, science and technology,thinking why the three developing “tides” of different ways and contents have been brought,Furthermore, analyzing development structures of becoming the international top teams and the reasons of different schools and styles developed in skills and strategies.Putting forward to the reasons why the international top teams can always keep their levels.Furthermore,thinking and seeking the strategies to promote the development of basketball sport cause in China. |