(安阳师范学院 体育系,河南 安阳 455000) 摘要:从对历史文献和实物资料的记载分析北魏以来邺下寺院与少林寺之间的交流以及对少林寺僧人形成尚武活动传统的影响,论证邺都地区历史上的佛教寺院武僧与少林寺的相互发展关系。 关键词:邺下寺院; 武僧;少林寺;少林武术 中图分类号:G852 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)03-0052-04 |
MA Ai-min
(Department of PE,Anyang Teachers College,Anyang 455000,China) Abstract: Analyse the communication between Yexia Temple and Shaolin Temple and the influence of forming a military tradition consulting historical documents, on the spot investigation.According to expound and prove the ralation between Buddist military monks and Shaolin Temple,it is valuable to perfect the theory system of China Physical Education History. Key words: Yexia Temple; monk; Shaolin Temple; Shaolin Wushu |