(西安体育学院 游泳教研室,陕西 西安 710068) 摘要:通过对西安市中年女子进行8周水中健身减脂效果的分析表明:经过水中健身锻炼,实验组与对照组BMI、腹部和大腿部减脂效果明显(P<0.05),上臂部、肩胛部等不明显(P>0.05),为中年女子较为关心的如何轻松减肥提供依据。 关键词:西安市;中年女子;水中健身 中图分类号: G861;G812.741 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)05-0052-02 |
(Teaching and Research of swimming,Xi'an Institute of Physical Education, Xi'an 710068,China) Abstract:By methods of literature and document research and experiment study the author studies the woman slimming in water for 8 weeks. The result shows: the BMI、the abdomen and the thigh of the experiment group and the compare group are have clear dieffevent (P<0.05).The upper arm and the shoulder blade haven't clear diffevent (P>0.05).The paper advances the idea for middle age women of active health. |