(首都医科大学 1体育部;2生物医学工程学院,北京100054;3中国科学院力学研究所国家微重力实验室,北京 100080) 摘要:利用聚类和回归分析方法讨论了女大学生身体的6类指标(身高、围度、心脏功能、柔韧性、体脂成分和腿部腹部肌力及灵活性)对立定跳远成绩(未经过任何专门训练)的影响,并用PEARSON相关系数和偏相关系数分析了各类指标之间的相关性。给出了学生身体的6类指标对立定跳远成绩的不同贡献值,确定与立定跳远相关性较大的可控性指标,为提高立定跳远成绩提供依据。 关键词:立定跳远; 回归分析; 女大学生 中图分类号:G823.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)04-0074-03 |
ZHOU Li1, ZHANG Jian2, BI Chunyou1, ZHAO Feng3, LIU Zhi cheng2, YAN Yan2, LIU Hong2
(1.Department of Physical Education; 2.Department of Biomedical Engineering,Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100054, China; 3.National Microgravity Lab.,Institute of Mechanics Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080,China) Abstract:Using the approaches of Cluster Analysis,Regression and Principal Component,in this paper,the authors analyze six morphologic,functional,and physical indices(length, perimeter, functions of the heart, flexility, adipose content,and muscular strength) of the female college students and their influences on the scores of the standing long jump (SLJ) without any special training. Then, with Pearson Correlation Analysis, the correlations among the six indices of the female college students are discussed. The different contributions of the six indices to the scores of SLJ are compared, which is theoretically helpful to the scientific training of SLJ. |