(九江市体育科学学会,江西 九江332000) 摘要:对《我心中的理想体育》一文提出质疑,指出该文混淆了体育(学校体育)与竞技(竞技体育)质的区别。反映出该文的观点与《宪法》和《体育与健康课教学大纲(试验修订版)》的要求不符。 关键词:理想体育; 体育; 竞技; 体育的真义 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)01-0018-03 |
WU Yi-jian
(Scientific Academy of Sports in Jiujiang, Jiujiang 332000,China) Abstract: The author points out that physical education has been confused with sports in the “ideal PE in my mind” and its resulting view is inconsistent with the requirements of “Constitution” and a general outline for the class of physical education and health. Key words: ideal PE; PE; sports; truth of PE |