(北京机械工业学院 军事体育教学部,北京 100085) 摘 要:高校体育课的性质随着全面推进素质教育的深入,社会的不断发展,发生了重大变化,终身体育的思想将成为主流。实施健康教育的指导思想、高校体育课程的模式、课程的类型结构都要适应这些变化,使“终结体育”向“终身体育”转变,使体育教学的竞技化向健身化、娱乐化、兴趣化方面发展,使学生从总体上了解体育的本质、体育锻炼对身体和心理的良好影响,使学生获得终身锻炼及终身受益的能力。 关键词:高校学生; 健康教育; 终身教育; 体育课 中图分类号:G807.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)01-0095-03 |
WANG Hui-li
(Military Physical Education Department, Beijing Institute of Machinery,Beijing 100085,China) Abstract: The character of physical education in universities has taken great changes,following the step of further cultural education and development of the society.Nowadays,the idea of full-life physical education has become the mainstream of the society.Therefore in the process of performing the main idea of healthy education, the mode of physical educational course in universities,and the configurable mode of the course should be fitable to these changes and continue improving the whole level of the physical education. So it made 'expiry physical education' become into 'full-life physical education' and made the teaching development from athletic into healthy, recreational and interested. It also made the college students understood the essence of physical education and known the physical training is helpful to their bodies and their mentality so that they can obtain the abilities from full-life physical training and full-life benefit. Key words:college student;healthy education;full-life physical education; physical education course |