(首都医科大学 体育部,北京100054) 摘 要:为进一步评估健康体适能的教学效果,观察了特定运动处方对受试者心脏功能(FC)、肌肉力量(ST)和柔软度(FL)的影响。实验前根据FC、ST和FL的检测结果,将240名男女医学生随机分成3个对照组和3个实验组。对照组按原教学进度上体育课,实验组以提高健康体适能为教学目标,以特定的运动处方进行教学和锻炼。结果显示,3个实验组FC、ST和FL指标明显增强,且有统计学意义(P<0.05)。说明为健康体适能教学所制定的运动处方适用于普通院校大学生的体育教学,并可收到良好的效果。 关键词:大学生; 健康体适能; 运动处方 中图分类号:G807 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)01-0050-03 |
BI Chun-you, ZHOU Li, YANG Shu-kun, ZHAO Dong-sheng, GAO Ling-di
(Department of Physical Education,Capital University of Medical Science ,Beijing 100054,China) Abstract: In order to evaluate the education of health related physical fitness,the effect of a special exercise prescription on the cardiac functional capacity(FC),muscular strength (ST)and flexibility (FL) were investigated .Based on the results of FC,ST and FL before experiment ,240 male and female medical students were randomly divided into 6 groups,3 groups for control and the other 3 as experimental groups separately.The students in groups just took physical education course as our former base on our unique exercise prescription for the education of health related physical fitness.The result shows that FC,ST and FL students in the 3 exercise prescription that we prepared for the education of health related physical fitness maybe useful for students in university or college. Key words: student; health related physical fitness; exercise prescription |