(中南财经政法大学 体育部,湖北 武汉 430073) 摘 要:我国彩票市场由两家来经营,即民政部门发行福利彩票,体育部门发行体育彩票。我国彩票走的是先发行后立法的道路,至今没有彩票法,连专门的彩票行政法规也未出台。为了切实维护广大彩民的正当权益和实现中国彩票业的可持续性发展,加快彩票立法和强化政府对彩票市场的监管力度十分必要。 关键词:体育彩票; 法律特征; 法律关系; 立法; 中国 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)02-0020-04 |
(Department of Physical Education, Central China University of Finance and Economicsand Political Science and Law,Wuhan 430073,China) Abstract: At present, China lottery market is run by two departments. One is civil administration organs, which issue the welfare lottery; and the other is sport departments, which respond the sport lottery. The fact that up to the present there is no rule and law for lottery shows that its managements lag behind its practice. It is necessary to speed up the legislation for lottery and strengthen the government's supervision to market so as to ensure the proper rights and benefits of lotterymen and to keep the sustained development of China lottery. |