(深圳大学 高尔夫学院,广东 深圳 518060) 摘要:高尔夫运动是一项早期苏格兰牧羊人自娱自乐的游戏,而随着历史的发展,这项游戏逐渐形成了具有典型的中世纪欧洲“绅士文化”的一种“贵族运动”,并且这项运动在今天的社会文化发展过程中,仍具有很大的社会影响。 关键词:绅士文化;贵族精神;中产阶级;高尔夫运动 中图分类号: G849.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)04-0037-03 |
WU Ya-chu
(Golf Institute of Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060,China) Abstract:Golf sport is a kind of self-entertainment game of flockmaster in Scotland early. With the development of society, the game gradually becomes a typical aristocratic sport which is of “gentleman culture” feature of Europe in middle ages, and exerts a profound influence on today's development of social culture.This paper discusses the effects of social development of Europe in middle ages on golf sport. |