(南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京210097) 摘要:社区体育法制建设的现状是立法数量少、法律效力低、体系不完善、法制意识弱。只有加强社区体育法制建设,才能更好地贯彻《体育法》和实施《全民健身计划纲要》。分析了社区体育法制建设的矛盾和目标,提出了健全社区体育法制应当遵循保障公民体育权利等基本原则。 关键词:社区体育;体育法;法制建设;中国 中图分类号: G812;D922.161 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)06-0037-04 |
TANG Wei-dong
(Colege of Physical Education Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China) Abstract:The present incomplete legal system of community sports does not function satisfactorily, and it is almost safe to say people are unaware of the few laws that have been established. So to strengthen the legal system building of community sports becomes the precondition of better carrying out both “Law of the Sports” and “Essentials of National Health”.This paper attempts to analyze the contradictions and aims of the legal system building of community sports and it puts forward some basic principles,such as “to protect the right of the citizens”. |