(韶关学院 体育系,广东 韶关512005) 摘要:广东少数民族地区27所中学中,师资队伍学历、职称结构偏低,场地、器材、经费不足,严重制约学校体育工作的开展,开展民族传统体育项目的学校较少。建议加强对学校体育工作的领导和学校体育工作的宣传,增加学校体育经费投入,提高民族地区体育师资的学历和职称水平,将民族传统体育项目引入学校体育活动中,以改善少数民族学生体质,提高民族人口素质。 关键词:广东;少数民族地区;中学体育教育 中图分类号:G812.765;G807.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0093-02 |
WANG Gui-zhong
(Department of Physical Education, Shaoguan University,Shaoguan 512005,China) Abstract: The research indicates that in these 27 high schools of minority nationality areas in Guangdong the records of formal schooing and professional qualifications of teachers are partially low,sport grounds,equipments and outlay are not enough.This situation has restricted the expansion of physical education in these areas.The physical constitution of minority nationality students and population diathesis can be improved by some measures advised in this paper such as strengthening the supervision and publicity of school physical education,adding outlay,improving the records of formal schooling and professional qualifications of teachers in these areas,and introducing more traditional sport items into school physecal training. Key words: Guangdong;areas of minority nationality;physical education of high school |