(1河北职业技术师范学院 体育部;2燕山大学 体育部,河北 秦皇岛066004) 摘要:通过对多年教学实践的总结,以体育教学活动对学生身心素质影响的视角,审视体育教学在实施素质教育过程中的特殊作用。 关键词:素质教育;体育教学;身体素质;心理素质 中图分类号:G807 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0084-02 |
Lü Sheng-jun1,WEN Yu1,Lü Lin2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Hebei Vocational and Technical Teacher's College;2.Department of Physical Education,Yanshan Unversity,Qinhuangdao 066004,China) Abstract: This artical discusses the effect of physical Education towardes physical and psychological character.At the point of it ,it look closely at the special effect of the Physical Education in quality education. |