(荆州师范学院 体育系,湖北 荆州434100) 摘要:简要回顾了我国学校体育近百年的发展历史,分析了学校体育思想、内容与形式以及学校体育师资和物质条件的主要发展特征。我国的学校体育经历了从无到有、曲折发展的艰难历程,并与社会的发展息息相关,具有鲜明的时代特征。 关键词:学校体育;体育史;体育课;学校体育思想 中图分类号:G807-092;G812.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0130-03 |
LI Lin, YANG Bin
(Department of Physical Education,Jingzhou Teachers College,Jingzhou 434100,China) Abstract: The hundred-year history of physical education in schools & colleges of China was reviewed and the main features of ideology, contents, forms, teachers training and conditions of physical education were discussed as well.China's history of physical education went through a very difficult process of development both in theoretically and in practically, and it varied with the development of China's society. Key words: school physical education;history of physical education;PE course; ideology of physical education |