(广州体育学院 《体育师友》编辑部,广东 广州510075) 摘要:体育消息是体育新闻的基本体式。但报纸体育新闻写作消息头缺失现象却十分严重,从某种程度上说,不仅影响了消息结构的完整性和规范性,甚至还会使人对消息来源的真实性和权威性产生疑问。从体育报纸消息头使用的必要性与缺失的危害、消息头缺失的原因探析及防止消息头缺失的建议等几个方面进行初步的探讨。 关键词:体育报纸;消息头;体育新闻 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)05-0139-03 |
CHE Jian-ping
(Editional Department of TI YU SHI YOU,Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, Guangzhou 510075,China) Abstract: Sport information is the basic style of sport news.However the missing phenomenon of source of news in sport newspapers is general. From a certain extent, it not only affects the integrality and requirement of structure of news, but it makes people suspect the facticity and authority of news. The paper analyzes the importance and missing reasons of source of news in sport newspaper. The results show some suggestions to prevent the missing of source of news. Key words: sports newspaper;source of news;sports news |