(北京体育大学 研究生部,北京 100084) 摘要:迈入新世纪,素质教育体系的建立已初见端倪。在推进和发挥我国学校体育在素质教育实施中的特殊作用时,研究体育教师自身素质的重构,加强师资队伍建设,将直接关系到我国培养现代社会所需新型人才的学校体育教学目标的实现。 关键词:素质教育;体育教师;素质再构 中图分类号:G451.2;G807 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0124-02 |
HAN Xiao-dong
(The Graduate School,Beijing University of Physical Education,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract:With the advent of new century and the development of the system of quality education,it is very important for every PE teacher to think about how to improve their qualities to carry out new century’s teaching goal. It is hoped that this paper can give some enlightenment of where and how to reconstruct PE teachers’ teaching qualities. Key words: quality education;PE teacher;reconstrction of teaching qualities |