(淮阴师院学院 体育系,江苏 淮阴210024) 摘要:基础教育体育与健康课程是一门科学性、人文性兼备,以技艺、情意为主要特征的实践类综合学科。其学科性质的界定及特点的揭示,有助于深化学校体育课程改革,为体育与健康课程多元化模式的构建提供依据。 关键词:体育与健康;基础教育;课程 中图分类号:G807 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)03-0132-02 |
HE Yuan-chun
(Depertment of Physical Education,Huaiyin Teachers College,Huaiyin 210024,China) Abstract: PE and health curriculum in basic education is disciplinary course,focusing on technicality with scientifity,humanity and affectionality included.To specify the character of this curriculum is helpful for us to understand and esert the function of physical science,to make multiangular and multidisciplinary research on PE,thus to provide theoretical support for manifold design of the pattern for this course. Key words: PE and health;basic education;curriculum |