(黑龙江科技学院 体育部,黑龙江 鸡西 158105) 摘要:针对普通高校体育教学现状及存在的问题,提出在普通高校一年级体育教学中采用选项制分段轮换教学模式,即教师、学生、教材三者之间处于动态组合,改革传统考试办法,使教师间优势互补,充分发挥其专业特长;有效地促进学生个性发展,培养其体育意识。 关键词:普通高校;体育教学;选项制分段轮换;动态组合 中图分类号:G807.01 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2002)01-0064-02 |
DU Ji-xiang, ZHOU Zu-xu, WU Jian-ming
(Department of Physical Education,Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology, Jixi 158105,China) Abstract: Aiming at the current way of teaching prevailing in physical education in the general university of higher learning and the consequent problems ,the paper discusses an application of what is termed “option section teaching approach ”,namely the dynamic combination in which teachers ,students and teaching materials interact.The new approach ,launched for the freshmen subjected to physical education can contributes a lot to improve the traditional examination way ,supplementing teacher′s strong points ,enabling them to display their capabilities to the best advantages, effectively promoting the development of students personalities and increasing their awareness of physical education. |