(1河北体育学院,河北 石家庄050041;2河北师范大学 体育学院,河北 石家庄050041;3石家庄经济学院 公体部,河北 石家庄050091) 摘要:试从武术发展的客观存在中,找出理性认识的因素,为武术及民族传统体育的健康发展,提供有益理论参考。 关键词:武术;武术竞技化;价值观 中图分类号:G852.3 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2002)02-0047-06 |
Lü Ji-guang1,CHEN Ying1,CAO Shou-he2,ZHAO Hai-jun3
(1.Heibei Institute of Physical Education, Shijiazhuang 050041,China; 2.Inetitute of Physical Education,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang 050041,China; 3.Department of Physical Education,Shijiazhuang Economic College,Shijiazhuang 050091,China) Abstract: The study of wushu based on foundation and development of neoteric conception could not reveal and solve a lot of problems which prevent wushu from well-balanced developing. This paper finds out some factors of rational cognition from realistic existence, and provides helpful academic reference for well-balanced developing of wushu and national physical education. |