(中南财经政法大学 体育部,湖北 武汉430074) 摘要:现代运动竞赛表演是竞赛与表演的结合,其表演的方式凝结了运动员和其他人员的智力劳动成果,具有知识产权的属性。进一步研究发现,运动竞赛表演实质上是著作权法中的“作品”,和它相邻的如技术创编、管理模式等亦可属此类作品,具有独创性、可复制性、可固定性等特征,应当受到著作权法的保护。在此基础上,对现行著作权法提出了修改的构想。 关键词:运动竞赛表演;著作权保护;作品 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0014-03 |
(Division of Physical Education, Zhongnan University of Economic s and Law, Wuhan 430074,China) Abstract: As a combination of competition and performance, modern sports matches concrete the intellectual achievements of the athletes and other concerned persons. A further study shows that, principally, the sports matches and performances are the "works" , defined in the copyright law and other objects such as technical arrangements, administrative models are also intellectual works which are of the nature of creativity, cap ability and satiability. They shall be protected by the copyright law. on this basis, some suggestions to revise the present copyright law are put forward. Key words: sports matches and performance; copyright protect ion; works; |